Monday, February 16, 2009

nevada kayaking


I went to the Elko municipal pool recently with Adam and my wife to play around in our kayak (on a side note I love the blogging practice of introducing people and aspects of my life that my readers don't necessarily know of, it's like a soap opera, introducing characters with absolutely no back story). The pool, despite assurances that someone would be there to let us in, was completely deserted.

Not to be turned away, we journeyed over to a nearby park to get a little practice in, ridiculousness ensued. There was a family that came to play at the park but after watching our craziness for a while decided there were safer parks for their children to play at.
I also trapped Adam in a port-a-potty while he was pooping. We wanted to mark the occasion  but we forgot our camera so we had to wait a half hour for our friend Tamera to bring one. Yup, that happened.

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